Family: ACT
Class: C
Number of Variants: 14
Number of Proteins: 14
Number of Structures: 1
Taxonomic Lineage: Bacteria > Proteobacteria > Gammaproteobacteria > Enterobacteriales

  Alignment     Variability Plot     Phylogenetic Tree     Mutational Profile     Fingerprint     Sequences  

Variants Organism Uniprot ID PDB ID Hydrolytic profile Embl ID GenbankID
ACT-1 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q48428 2ZC7 Imipenem U58495 U58495.2
ACT-2 Enterobacter asburiae Q0KHB3 NA NA AM076977 AM076977.1
ACT-3 Klebsiella pneumoniae A1EGT8 NA NA EF125013 EF125013.1
ACT-4 Enterobacter asburiae B1A607 NA NA 167485371 EU427302.2
ACT-5 Escherichia coli B6V6L4 NA NA FJ237369 FJ237369.1
ACT-6 Klebsiella pneumoniae B6V6L1 NA NA FJ237366 FJ237366.1
ACT-7 Klebsiella pneumoniae B6V6L3 NA NA FJ237368 FJ237368.1
ACT-9 Enterobacter agglomerans F8SVM8 NA NA HQ693810 HQ693810.1
ACT-10 serratia marcescens G9JKE9 NA NA JN848330 JN848330.1
ACT-12 Enterobacter cloacae K0GEV1 NA NA JX440355 JX440355.1
ACT-14 Enterobacter cloacae K0GEV3 NA NA JX440354 JX440354.1
ACT-15 Enterobacter cloacae K0GG70 NA NA JX440356 JX440356.1
ACT-16 Enterobacter cloacae I7GUM0 NA NA AB737978 AB737978.1
ACT-23 Enterobacter cloacae T1WNN5 NA Cefoxitin KF515536 KF515536.1
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  • Shimizu-Ibuka A, Bauvois C, Sakai H, Galleni M. Structure of theplasmid-mediated class C beta-lactamase ACT-1. Acta Crystallogr Sect F StructBiol Cryst Commun. 2008 May 1;64(Pt 5):334-7. doi:10.1107/S1744309108008531.Epub 2008 Apr 5.PubMed PMID: 18453698
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  • Lee YT, Chen TL, Siu LK, Chen CP, Fung CP. Impact of derepressed AmpC beta-lactamase ACT-9 on the clinical efficacy of ertapenem. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2011 Sep;55(9):4440-2. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00271-11.PubMed PMID: 18453698
  • Datta S, Mitra S, Viswanathan R, Saha A, Basu S. Characterization of novel plasmid-mediated ?-lactamases (SHV-167 and ACT-16) associated with New Delhi metallo-?-lactamase-1 harbouring isolates from neonates in India. J Med Microbiol. 2014 Mar;63(Pt 3):480-2. doi: 10.1099/jmm.0.067223-0. Epub 2013 Dec 11.PubMed PMID: 24336426
  • Literak I, Manga I, Wojczulanis-Jakubas K, Chroma M, Jamborova I, Dobiasova H, Sedlakova MH, Cizek A. Enterobacter cloacae with a novel variant of ACT AmpC beta-lactamase originating from glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus) in Svalbard. Vet Microbiol. 2014 Jul 16;171(3-4):432-5. doi: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2014.02.015. Epub 2014 Feb 16.PubMed PMID: 24629772