Family: BES
Class: A
Number of Variants: 1
Number of Proteins: 1
Number of Structures: 0
Taxonomic Lineage: Proteobacteria > Gammaproteobacteria > Enterobacteriales > Enterobacteriaceae > Serratia


Variants Organism Uniprot ID PDB ID Hydrolytic profile Embl ID Genbank ID
BES-1 Serratia marcescens Q9L6I3 NA Penicillin Cephalothin Cefotaxime Tazobactam AF234999 AF234999.1
  • Bonnet R, Sampaio JL, Chanal C, Sirot D, De Champs C, Viallard JL, Labia R,Sirot J. A novel class A extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (BES-1) in Serratia marcescens isolated in Brazil. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2000 Nov;44(11):3061-8.PubMed PMID: 11036023
  • Bonnin RA, Poirel L, Sampaio JL, Nordmann P. Complete sequence of broad-host-range plasmid pRIO-5 harboring the extended-spectrum-?-lactamase gene blaBES??. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2012 Feb;56(2):1116-9. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00480-11. Epub 2011 Nov 14. PubMed PMID: 22083487