Family: CARB
Class: A
Number of Variants: 8
Number of Proteins: 17
Number of Structures: 0
Taxonomic Lineage: Bacteria > Proteobacteria > Gammaproteobacteria > Enterobacteriales > Enterobacteriaceae

  Alignment     Variability Plot     Phylogenetic Tree     Mutational Profile     Fingerprint     Sequences  

Variants Organism Uniprot ID PDB ID Hydrolytic profile Embl ID Genbank ID
CARB-2 Salmonella enterica subsp. E5KHV9 NA NA HQ132377 HQ132377.1
CARB-3 Pseudomonas aeruginosa P37322 NA Carbenicillin S46063 S46063.1
CARB-4 Pseudomonas aeruginosa Q51355 NA Carbenicillin,Methicillin,Oxacillin U14749 U14749.1
Acinetobacter baumannii C0LZ05 NA Carbenicillin FJ785525 FJ785525.1
CARB-5 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus Q9JP71 NA Carbenicillin AF135373 AF135373.1
CARB-6 Vibreo cholerae P81781 NA Ticarcillin,Oxacillin AF030945 AF030945.1
Photobacterium leiognathi F2P8C8 NA NA DF093596 DF093596.1
Vibreo cholerae K2W2I4 NA NA ALEB01000223 ALEB01000223.1
Vibreo cholerae F9AAF8 NA NA AFOP01000022 AFOP01000022.1
CARB-7 Vibreo cholerae non-O1/non-O139 Q8KWG8 NA NA AF409092 AF409092.1
CARB-8 Oligella urethralis Q83V93 NA NA AY178993 AY178993.1
Escherichia coli Q3S672 NA NA DQ157752 DQ157752.1
Acinetobacter nosocomialis A4KTP8 NA Carbenicillin EF015497 EF015497.1
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia D0EP60 NA Carbenicillin GQ866976 GQ866976.1
Salmonella typhi Q8KPE0 NA NA AY123251 AY123251.1
CARB-9 Vibreo cholerae non-O1/non-O139 Q6X9D7 NA Carbenicillin AY248038 AY248038.1
Vibreo cholerae O1 str.87395 M7FJ40 NA Carbenicillin APFL01000101 APFL01000101.1
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