Family: OHIO
Class: A
Number of Variants: 1
Number of Proteins: 1
Number of Structures: 0
Taxonomic Lineage: Bacteria > Proteobacteria > Gammaproteobacteria > Enterobacteriales > Enterobacteriaceae > Enterobacter


Variants Organism Uniprot ID PDB ID Hydrolytic profile Embl ID Genbank ID
OHIO Enterobacter cloacae P18251 NA NA M33655 M33655
  • Shlaes DM, Currie-McCumber C, Hull A, Behlau I, Kron M. OHIO-1 beta-lactamase is part of the SHV-1 family. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1990 Aug;34(8):1570-6.PubMed PMID: 2121093