Family: TEM
Class: A
Number of Variants: 149
Number of Proteins: 356
Number of Structures: 48
Taxonomic Lineage: Bacteria > Proteobacteria > Gammaproteobacteria > Enterobacteriales > Enterobacteriaceae

  Alignment     Variability Plot     Phylogenetic Tree     Mutational Profile     Fingerprint     Sequences  

Variants Organism Uniprot ID PDB ID Hydrolytic profile Embl ID Genbank ID
TEM Escherichia coli P62593 1AXB 1BT5 1BTL 1CK31ERM 1ERO 1ERQ 1ESU1FQG 1JTG 1JVJ 1JWP1JTD 1JWV 1JWZ 1LHY1LI0 1LI9 1M40 1NXY1NY0 1NYM 1NYY 1PZO 1PZP 1S0W 1TEM 1XPB1XXM 1YT4 1ZG4 1ZG62B5R 2V1Z 2V20 3C7U3C7V 3CMZ 3DTM 3JYI3TOI 4DXB 4DXC 4GKU4IBR 4IBX Penicillins Cephalosporins,Cefotaxime,Ceftazidime X65253 X65253.1
Salmonella typhimurium Q8F2L9 NA Penicillins Cephalosporins NA NA
Salmonella derby K4K1V6 NA Penicillins Cephalosporins JX566770 JX566770.1
Escherichia coli B8XLK1 NA Penicillins Cephalosporins FJ405215 FJ405215.1
Heamophilus influenzae A7Z0C2 NA Penicillins Cephalosporins CP000057 CP000057.1
Escherichia coli B1LRV5 NA NA CP000971 CP000971.1
Escherichia coli Q933Z8 NA NA AF397068 AF397068.1
Salmonella heidelberg B4TH87 NA NA CP001120 CP001120.1
Salmonella schwarzengrund B4TM06 NA NA CP001125 CP001125.1
Acinetobacter heamolyticus A4LAC3 NA NA EF468463 EF468463.1
Acinetobacter baumanni B5THT3 NA NA EU977570 EU977570.1
Vibrio cholerae Q5I698 NA NA AY850399 AY850399.1
Salmonella typhimurium Q6ZYM6 NA Tetracycline,Ampicillin  AJ634602 AJ634602.1
Escherichia coli D9HTE8 NA NA JX129213 JX129213.1
Citrobacter sp.CI925 A2T9A7 NA NA EF035600 EF035600.1
Salmonella derby Q4GX46 NA NA AM049399 AM049399.1
Klebsiella pneumoniae Q71LW4 NA NA GQ983315 GQ983315.1
Escherichia coli G8A3R7 NA NA GQ983341 GQ983341.1
Enterobacter cloacae G8A3U3 NA NA GQ983346 GQ983346.1
Escherichia coli Q0GMA6 NA NA DQ849322 DQ849322.1
Escherichia coli Q0GMA4 NA NA DQ849324 DQ849324.1
Escherichia coli Q0GMA5 NA NA DQ849323 DQ849323.1
Enterococcus gallinarum Q0GM99 NA NA DQ849329 DQ849329.1
Proteus mirabilis F6K6C7 NA NA HM246246 HM246246.1
Serratia marcescens E0A3B0 NA NA HM348775 HM348775.1
Salmonella enterica subsp. I1W5J3 NA NA JQ735911 JQ735911.1
Pseudomonas aeruginosa E0AF28 NA NA HM804085 HM804085.1
Escherichia coli M2NG00 NA NA AOGL01000121 AOGL01000121.1
Klebsiella pneumoniae M3SXY7 NA NA ANGH02000077 ANGH02000077
Escherichia coli M2MX85 NA NA AOGM01000153 AOGM01000153
Enterobacter sp.Ag1 J1GB62 NA NA AKXM01000044 AKXM01000044
Escherichia coliUMNF8 G0FGT8 NA NA AGTD01000004 AGTD01000004
Proteus mirabilis B9DR46 NA NA AM941159 AM941159
Serratia marcescens O33677 NA NA JF949915 JF949915
Escherichia coli D2I9F5 NA Bleomycin GQ149347 GQ149347
Escherichia coli D2I9F6 NA Kanamycin GQ149347 GQ149347.1
Salmonella infantis C3VMN0 NA NA FJ873740 FJ873740.1
Escherichia coli A8DZJ3 NA NA AM087454 AM087454.1
Escherichia coli Q6W7J4 NA Amoxicillin-Clavulanate JX129211 JX129211.1
Escherichia coli Q8RT90 NA NA AF468003 AF468003.1
Klebsiella pneumoniae Q8VP43 NA NA AY072920 AY072920.1
Salmonella typhimurium Q8L2F9 NA NA AF506748 AF506748.1
Escherichia coli Q93MS4 NA NA AF397067 AF397067.1
Escherichia coli P78144 NA Clavulanic acid X95401 X95401.1
Escherichia coli Q8GA85 NA NA AJ437107 AJ437107.1
TEM-1 Morganella morganii I7ANY3 NA NA JX268608 JX268608
Klebsiella pneumoniae Q7B899 NA NA JX268611 JX268611
Serratia marcescens Q7DHD3 NA Aminoglycosides JX268606 JX268606
Klebsiella oxytoca A2T978 NA NA JX268615 JX268615
Heamophilus influenzae Q6A253 NA NA EU531509 EU531509
Pseudomonas putida Q0QXE5 NA NA DQ174113 DQ174113
Escherichia coli Q9FAA2 NA NA AB049569 AB049569
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Q6LBN9 NA NA X54604 X54604
Salmonella choleraesuis Q5J463 NA NA AY509004 AY509004
Enterobacter sp.W001 F5CIR9 NA NA JF703130 JF703130
Salmonella typhimurium Q5QJI7 NA NA JF274992 JF274992
Neisseria meningitidis Q7BR75 NA NA AF126482 AF126482
Klebsiella pneumoniae I7ANY8 NA NA JX268613 JX268613
Salmonella paratyphi A4V9C5 NA NA AM412236 AM412236.1
Escherichia coli L7QJB7 NA NA JX976326 JX976326
Proteus mirabilis Q5XX10 NA NA JX121640 JX121640
Shigella flexneri Q7BP57 NA NA U48775 U48775
Shigella boydii G8A3U6 NA NA GQ983344 GQ983344
Citrobacter braakii G8A3T2 NA NA GQ983330 GQ983330.1
Streptococcus pneumoniae Q6TMH1 NA NA AY392531 AY392531.1
Salmonella enterica subsp. E9NGZ4 NA NA HQ625489 HQ625489.1
Escherichia coli I1BAS0 NA NA AJPQ01000032 AJPQ01000032.1
Acinetobacter baumanni K4P0F6 NA NA JX869489 JX869489.1
Escherichia coli O157:H7 Q4AE67 NA NA AB201242 AB201242.1
Salmonella enterica subsp. G4WFL5 NA NA HQ331538 HQ331538.1
Helicobacter pylori C5H4R0 NA NA EU726527 EU726527.1
Salmonella infantis I1W5J9 NA NA JQ735917 JQ735917.1
Escherichia coli C7S9Q3 NA NA EU935739 EU935739.1
Salmonella virchow I2E159 NA NA JQ609357 JQ609357.1
Acinetobacter sp.AC35 A2T998 NA NA EF035591 EF035591.1
Enterobacter sp.EN690 A2T9B4 NA NA EF035607 EF035607.1
Citrobacter sp.CI920 A2T9A8 NA NA EF035601 EF035601.1
Enterobacter sp.EN729 A2T9C5 NA NA EF035618 EF035618.1
Citrobacter sp.CI157 A2T9B1 NA NA EF035604 EF035604.1
Acinetobacter sp.AC23 A2T9A5 NA NA EF035598 EF035598.1
Enterobacter sp.EN843 A2T9B5 NA NA EF035608 EF035608
Enterobacter sp.EN723 A2T9B2 NA NA EF035605 EF035605
Enterobacter sp.EN715 A2T9C7 NA NA EF035620 EF035620
Enterobacter sp.EN222 A2T9C4 NA NA` EF035617 EF035617
Citrobacter sp.CI888 A2T9A9 NA NA EF035602 EF035602
Enterobacter sp.EN712 A2T9C1 NA NA EF035614 EF035614
Enterobacter sp.EN719 A2T9C0 NA NA EF035613 EF035613.1
Enterobacter sp.EN959 A2T9B3 NA NA EF035606 EF035606.1
Enterobacter sp.263 A2T9B8 NA NA EF035611 EF035611.1
Enterobacter sp.265 A2T9C3 NA NA EF035616 EF035616.1
Enterobacter sp.893 A2T9B6 NA NA EF035609 EF035609.1
Enterobacter sp.702 A2T9B9 NA NA EF035612 EF035612.1
Citrobacter spCI174 A2T9B0 NA NA EF035603 EF035603.1
Acinetobacter sp.AC18 A2T999 NA NA EF035592 EF035592.1
Acinetobacter sp.AC149 A2T9A4 NA NA EF035597 EF035597.1
Acinetobacter sp.AC25 A2T9A3 NA NA EF035596 EF035596.1
Acinetobacter sp.AC17 A2T9A1 NA NA EF035594 EF035594.1
Acinetobacter sp.AC28 A2T9A0 NA NA EF035593 EF035593.1
Proteus sp.PR425 A2T9A6 NA NA EF035599 EF035599.1
Salmonella enterica subsp. H9TK72 NA NA JN983045 JN983045
Salmonella dublin A8R706 NA NA JF267652 JF267652.1
Escherichia coli EC1865 K3QBX0 NA NA AMVC01000770 AMVC01000770.1
Heamophilus parainfluenzae B0B7B4 NA NA AM849806 AM849806.1
Salmonella enterica subsp. B5SZN3 NA NA EU664602 EU664602.1
Uncultured bacterium H6D9D5 NA NA JN102344 JN102344.1
Klebsiella pneumoniae G8ENQ3 NA NA JF949915 JF949915.1
TEM-2 Pseudomonas aeruginosa Q932Y6 NA NA X54606 X54606.1
Escherichia coli Q6SJ61 NA NA GQ983333 58000324
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Q932Y6 NA NA NA NA
Escherichia coli Q9R2G5 NA Carbenicillin Ticarcillin NA 546975.1
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Q7B0V0 NA NA AJ251946 AJ251946.1
TEM-6 Escherichia coli FRIK1990 I5ES45 NA NA AKLA01000564 AKLA01000564.1
Escherichia coli PA24 I5J2N8 NA NAAKLJ01000507 AKLJ01000507.1
Escherichia coli 5905 K3HIA0 NA NA AMUG01000006 AMUG01000006.1
Escherichia coliTW00353 K3J398 NA NA AMUM01000010 AMUM01000010.1
Escherichia coli2872800 M8RJ44 NA NA AQDC01000092 AQDC01000092.1
Escherichia coli2867750 M8SSR7 NA NA AQDF01000038 AQDF01000038.1
Escherichia coli180600 M9DC50 NA NA AQEG01000037 AQEG01000037.1
Escherichia colijurua18/11 M9JCT6 NA NA AQFB01000009 AQFB01000009.1
Escherichia coliBCE002_MS12 M8S3U1 NA NA AQDA01000022 AQDA01000022.1
Escherichia coli2866550 M8UUW1 NA NA AQDH01000026 AQDH01000026.1
Escherichia coliM8LHI4 NA NA AQCN01000025 AQCN01000025.1
Escherichia coli M9IJK4 NA NA AQFA01000041 AQFA01000041.1
Escherichia coli M9BIJ1 NA NA AQDY01000134 AQDY01000134.1
Escherichia coli M9GTD0 NA NA AQEI01000079 AQEI01000079.1
Escherichia coli M5QLW8 NA NA APGM01000001 APGM01000001.1
Escherichia coli M8ZSY1 NA NA AQDX01000160 AQDX01000160.1
Escherichia coli M8Y3F6 NA NA AQDO01000083 AQDO01000083.1
Escherichia coli M8XQ05 NA NA AQDP01000031 AQDP01000031.1
Escherichia coli M8TSQ9 NA NA AQDI01000123 AQDI01000123.1
Escherichia coli M9AYI4 NA NA AQDV01000075 AQDV01000075.1
Escherichia coli M9KVV1NA NA AQFF01000045 AQFF01000045.1
TEM-7 Escherichia coli Q84HU2 NA NA AF527798 AF527798.1
TEM-10 Morganella morganii Q9ZFV9 NA Ceftazidime AF093512 AF093512.1
Klebsiella oxytoca Q48388 NA Ceftazidime U09188 U09188.1
Escherichia coli S5RFD5 NA Ceftazidime KC859395 KC859395.1
TEM-11 Proteus mirabilis Q5FYS2 NA Ceftazidime AY874537 AY874537.1
TEM-12 Escherichia coli L1X8B1 NA NA AMVV01000010 AMVV01000010.1
Escherichia coli L1YND1 NA NA AMVY01000007 AMVY01000007.1
Escherichia coli L1YN04 NA NA AMWA01000006 AMWA01000006.1
Escherichia coli L1ZHM3 NA NA AMVZ01000009 AMVZ01000009.1
Escherichia coli L1VUC9 NA NA AMVR01000009 AMVR01000009.1
Escherichia coli L1YHM7 NA NA AMVX01000004 AMVX01000004.1
Escherichia coli L1VXV3 NA NA AMVS01000013 AMVS01000013.1
Escherichia coli V2SD25 NA NA AYHL01000081 AYHL01000081.1
Klebsiella pneumoniae U7B1M9 NA NA AXLF01000002 AXLF01000002.1
Klebsiella pneumoniae U7B3C2 NA NA AXLG01000004 AXLG01000004.1
Klebsiella oxytoca Q48406 NA Ceftazidime M88143 M88143.1
TEM-15 Heamophilus parainfluenzae A9J5X3 NA NA AM849805 AM849805.1
Klebsiella pneumoniae G0Z389 NA NA HQ877605 HQ877605.1
Klebsiella pneumoniae G0Z391 NA NA HQ877607 HQ877607.1
TEM-17 Capnocytophaga ochracea O32372 NA NA Y14574 Y14574.1
TEM-19 Acinetobacter baumannii I6VD99 NA Sulbactam JX042489 JX042489.1
TEM-20 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q9R748 NA NA AL939110 AL939110.1
Escherichia coli S5R7Q9 NA NA KC859397 KC859397.1
Escherichia coli S5RUC4 NA NA KC859396 KC859396.1
Klebsiella pneumoniae Q9R748 NA NA Y17581 Y17581.1
TEM-21 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q9R747 NA NA Y17582 Y17582.1
Morganella morganii O68642 NA NA AF052748 AF052748.1
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Q8GP08 NA NA AF466526 AF466526.1
TEM-22 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q9R746 NA Azreonam,Cephalosporins Y17583 Y17583.1
Enterobacter cloacae Q56H91 NA NA AY956335 AY956335.1
TEM-24 Escherichia coli D3VY77 NA NA GQ293499 GQ293499.1
TEM-26 Klebsiella pne.1umoniae Q48488 NA NA L19940 L19940.1
TEM-28 Escherichia coli Q46954 NA NA U37195 U37195.1
TEM-29 Escherichia coli Q934D7 NA NA AF397074 AF397074.1
Escherichia coli Q9R745 NA NA AJ277416AJ277416.1
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Q2XPR0 NA NA DQ269440 DQ269440.1
Morganella morganii Q9R429 3P98 NA AF157553 AF157553.1
TEM-32 Escherichia coli I7APH4 NA NA JX268783 JX268783.1
TEM-33 Escherichia coli D9Z4Z4 NA NA GU371926.1 GU371926.1
TEM-34 Haemophilus parainfluenzae L7ZBF5 NA NA KC292503 KC292503.1
TEM-40 Escherichia coli K4Q514 NA Amoxicillin,Clavulanic acid FR717535 FR717535.1
TEM-42 Pseudomonas aeruginosa Q83W48 NA NA X98047 X98047.1
TEM-43 Klebsiella pneumoniae O34176 NA Ceftazidime U95363 U95363.1
TEM-47 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q9R771 NA Ceftazidime Y10279 Y10279.1
TEM-48 Klebsiella pneumoniae O53043 NA Ceftazidime Y10280 Y10280.1
TEM-49 Escherichia coli Q9R770 NA Ceftazidime Y10281 Y10281.1
TEM-52 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q9R435 1HTZ NA Y13612 Y13612.1
Escherichia coli G1CCP7 NA NA JF776874 JF776874.1
Salmonella typhimurium Q5EGJ5 NA NA EF141186 EF141186.1
TEM-54 Escherichia coli Q9S679 NA NA AF104441 AF104441.1
TEM-53 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q9S678 NA NA AF104441 AF104441.1
TEM-55 Escherichia coli Q2V899 NA NA DQ286729 DQ286729.1
TEM-57 Escherichia coli B8XLJ7 NA Ceftazidime, Aztreonam FJ405211 FJ405211.1
TEM-59 Klebsiella oxytoca Q9S534 NA NA AF062386 AF062386.1
TEM-60 Providencia stuartii O68473 NA Ceftazidime, Aztreonam AF047171 AF047171.1
TEM-63 Escherichia coli Q9AGJ5 NA NA AF332513 AF332513.1
Salmonella typhimurium A0SXM1 NA NA EF059894 EF059894.1
Vibrio cholerae F2YDU9 NA NA HQ904076 HQ904076.1
Klebsiella pneumoniae Q9AQH2 NA NA AF045475 AF045475.1
TEM-67 Proteus mirabilis Q8GHI3 NA NA AF091113 AF091113.1
TEM-68 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q9K582 NA NA AJ239002 AJ239002.1
TEM-70 Escherichia coli Q9RN48 NA NA AF188199 AF188199.1
TEM-71 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q93GI3 NA NA AF203816 AF203816.1
TEM-72 Morganella morganii Q9R429 NA NA AF157553 AF157553.1
Proteus mirabilis Q7BQ65 NA NA AF157413 AF157413.1
TEM-75 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q8GEA6 NA NA AAN05028.1 23505686
TEM-76 Escherichia coli Q9RMS2 NA Amoxicillin,Clavulanate AF190694 AF190694.1
TEM-77 Escherichia coli Q7BP43 NA NA AAF05614.1 6176548
TEM-78 Escherichia coli Q9RMS3 NA NA AAF01337.1 6176544
TEM-79 Escherichia coli Q9RMS4 NA NA AF190692 AF190692.1
TEM-80 Enterobacter cloacae Q8RPY9 NA NA AF347054 AF347054.1
TEM-81 Escherichia coli Q93A80 NA NA AF427127 AF427127.1
TEM-82 Escherichia coli Q93A79 NA NA AF427128 AF427128.1
TEM-83 Escherichia coli Q93A78 NA NA AF427129 AF427129.1
TEM-84 Escherichia coli Q93A77 NA NA AF427130 AF427130.1
TEM-85 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q93K44 NA NA AJ277414 AJ277414.1
TEM-86 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q93K43 NA NA AJ277415 AJ277415.1
TEM-87 Proteus mirabilis Q9F0F5 NA NA AF250872 AF250872.1
TEM-88 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q9AEY6 NA NA AY027590 AY027590.1
TEM-89 Proteus mirabilis Q93LJ5 NA NA AY039040 AY039040.1
TEM-90 Escherichia coli Q9AFC8 NA NA AF351241 AF351241.1
TEM-91 Escherichia coli Q9FAA2 NA Ceftazidime AJ318093 AJ318093.1
TEM-93 Escherichia coli Q8KMX4 NA NA AJ318094 AJ318094.1
TEM-94 Escherichia coli Q8KMX3 NA NA AJ308558 AJ308558.1
TEM-95 Escherichia coli Q937J3 NA Ampicillin 15485219 15485219.1
TEM-96 Escherichia coli Q8L1Y1 NA NA AY092401 AY092401.1
TEM-101 Escherichia coli Q8RMG3 NA NA AF495873 AF495873.1
TEM-102 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q9AEN8 NA NA AY029354 AY029354.1
Plasmid pWW100 Q91UY8 NA NA AY040093 AY040093.1
TEM-104 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q8KSD3 NA NA AF516719 AF516719.1
TEM-105 Escherichia coli Q8KSD2 NA NA AF516720 AF516720.1
TEM-106 Escherichia coli Q8KQ72 NA NA AY101578 AY101578.1
TEM-107 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q8KQ59 NA NA AY101764 AY101764.1
TEM-109 Escherichia coli Q6GWS9 NA NA AY628175 AY628175.1
TEM-110 Klebsiella oxytoca Q84H49 NA NA AY130283 AY130283.1
TEM-112 Escherichia coli Q6PP91 NA NA AY589493 AY589493.1
TEM-113 Proteus mirabilis Q6PP90 NA NA AY589494 AY589494.1
TEM-114 Enterobacter aerogenes Q6PP89 NA NA AY589495 AY589495.1
TEM-115 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q8KRH0 NA NA AF535127 AF535127.1
TEM-116 Klebsiella pneumoniae F8UZC6 NA NA JF973688 JF973688.1
Heamophilus parasuis E7DDD4 NA NA HQ221866 HQ221866.1
Aeromonas hydrophila C0LT66 NA NA FJ767901 FJ767901.1
Aeromonas jandaei C0LT71 NA NA FJ767907 FJ767907.1
Vibrio paraheamolyticus C5IDC9 NA NA FJ887957 FJ887957.1
Pseudomonas flourescens D5L1K9 NA NA GU733416 GU733416.1
Burkholderia cenocepacia C5IDC8 NA NA FJ887956 FJ887956
Klebsiella pneumoniae B5AR54 NA NA EU870432 EU870432.1
Vibrio paraheamolyticus G0ZS40 NA NA JF327791 JF327791.1
Vibrio paraheamolyticus G0ZS45 NA NA JF327796 JF327796.1
Vibrio paraheamolyticus G0ZS42 NA NA JF327793 JF327793.1
Vibrio paraheamolyticus G0ZS43 NA NA JF327794 JF327794.1
Vibrio paraheamolyticus G0ZS44 NA NA JF327795 JF327795.1
Vibrio paraheamolyticus G0ZS46 NA NA JF327797 JF327797.1
Morganella morganii G0Z3A0 NA NA HQ877616 HQ877616.1
TEM-117 Escherichia coli Q84H50 NA NA AY130282 AY130282.1
TEM-118 Klebsiella oxytoca Q8GEA5 NA NA AY130285 AY130285.1
TEM-120 Klebsiella oxytoca Q844X1 NA NA AY243512 AY243512.1
TEM-121 Enterobacter aerogenes Q6W7F6 NA Ceftazidime ,Aztreonam AY307374 AY307374.1
Escherichia coli Q6WSQ7 NA Ceftazidime,Aztreonam AY271267 AY271267.1
TEM-123 Proteus mirabilis Q6EH44 NA NA AY327539 AY327539.1
TEM-124 Morganella morganii Q6EH43 NA NA AY327540 AY327540.1
TEM-125 Escherichia coli Q6GWS8 NA NA AY628176 AY628176.1
TEM-126 Escherichia coli Q6IT48 NA NA AY628199 AY628199.1
TEM-127 Escherichia coli Q6UK85 NA NA AY368236 AY368236.1
TEM-128 Acinetobacter baumannii Q6UVM7 NA NA AY359287 AY359287.1
Escherichia coli Q6UK84 NA Ampicillin AY368237 AY368237.1
TEM-129 Klebsiella oxytoca Q6KB04 NA Ampicillin AJ746225 AJ746225.1
Streptococcus pneumoniae Q6SQJ9 NA NA AY452662 AY452662.1
TEM-130 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q5QQ30 NA NA AJ866988 AJ866988.1
TEM-131 Salmonella typhimurium Q6T5A3 NA NA AY436361 AY436361.1
Salmonella sp. A5A4K5 NA NA EF526219 EF526219.1
TEM-132 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q6RUK1 NA NA AY491682 AY491682.1
Escherichia coli Q5H739 NA NA AB201267 AB201267.1
TEM-133 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q6QR76 NA NA AY528425 AY528425.1
TEM-134 Citrobacter diversus Q6PW40 NA NA AY574271 AY574271.1
TEM-135 Neisseria gonorrhoeae D0EW08 NA NA GQ896333 GQ896333.1
Klebsiella pneumoniae H2EST1 NA NA JQ060998 JQ060998.1
Escherichia coli I6ZRK9 NA NA JX268787 JX268787.1
TEM-136 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q5PSW6 NA NA AY826417 AY826417.1
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Q5U8Y9 NA NA AY775131 AY775131.1
TEM-137 Shigella sonnei Q0VTQ9 NA NA AM286274 AM286274.1
TEM-138 Salmonella choleraesuis Q5I5D9 NA NA AY853593 AY853593.1
TEM-139 Klebsiella pneumoniae A5GXS5 NA NA DQ072853 DQ072853.1
TEM-141 Enterobacter cloacae Q56H91 NA NA AY956335 AY956335.1
TEM-142 Escherichia coli A7ISS0 NA NA DQ388882 DQ388882.1
TEM-143 Escherichia coli Q4JL90 NA NA JQ416149 JQ416149.1
TEM-144 Escherichia coli Q2XT35 NA NA DQ256080 DQ256080.1
TEM-145 Escherichia coli Q4F7H2 NA NA DQ105528 DQ105528.1
TEM-146 Escherichia coli Q4F7H1 NA NA DQ105529 DQ105529.1
TEM-147 Pseudomonas aeruginosa Q2V9Y4 NA NA DQ279850 DQ279850.1
TEM-149 Enterobacter aerogenes Q1KY81 NA Ceftazidime DQ369751 DQ369751.1
TEM-150 Escherichia coli B0JD04 NA NA FJ349255 FJ349255.1
Klebsiella pneumoniae B6EEK1 NA NA FJ349256 FJ349256.1
Enterobacter sp. B6EEK2 NA NA FJ349257 FJ349257.1
TEM-151 Escherichia coli Q09Q12 NA NA DQ834729 DQ834729.1
TEM-152 Escherichia coli Q09Q13 NA NA DQ834728.1 DQ834728.1
TEM-153 Escherichia coli L0GCN8 NA NA KC149518 KC149518.1
TEM-154 Escherichia coli C1KAC8 NA NA FJ807656 FJ807656.1
TEM-155 Proteus mirabilis A6XFB8 NA NA FJ807656 FJ807656.1
TEM-157 Enterobacter cloacae Q06DP4 NA NA DQ909059 DQ909059.1
TEM-159 Proteus mirabilis A1YTM6 NA NA EF136376 EF136376.1
TEM-158 Escherichia coli A5HJU3 NA Ceftazidime EF534736 EF534736.1
TEM-160 Proteus mirabilis A1YTM7 NA NA EU274580 EU274580.1
TEM-162 Klebsiella pneumoniae A9QW43 NA NA EU274580 EU274580.1
TEM-163 Escherichia coli B5A5T0 NA Amoxicillin-clavulanate EU815939 EU815939.1
TEM-166 Escherichia coli B6E296 NA NA FJ197316 FJ197316.1
TEM-167 Escherichia coli B6VB30 NA NA FJ360884 FJ360884.1
TEM-168 Escherichia coli C4PE86 NA NA FJ360884 FJ360884.1
TEM-169 Salmonella enterica subsp. I1W5J4 NA NA Q735912 Q735912.1
Salmonella typhimurium I1W5J7 NA NA JQ735915 JQ735915.1
TEM-170 Escherichia coli C8CE51 NA NA GQ390800 GQ390800.1
TEM-171 Escherichia coli C8CE52 NA NA GQ390801 GQ390801.1
TEM-172 Escherichia coli C8CE53 NA NA GQ390802 GQ390802.1
TEM-173 Escherichia coli C8CE54 NA NA GQ390803 GQ390803.1
TEM-174 Escherichia coli C8CE55 NA NA GQ390804 GQ390804.1
TEM-176 Escherichia coli D3KDJ9 NA NA GU550123 GU550123.1
TEM-177 Proteus mirabilis D9U8W0 NA NA FN652295 FN652295.1
TEM-182 Haemophilus parainfluenzae G9BBW8 NA NA HQ317449 HQ317449.1
TEM-183 Klebsiella pneumoniae E5LP65 NA NA HQ529916 HQ529916.1
TEM-184 Escherichia coli M5B5Q1 NA NA FR848831.1 FR848831.1
TEM-185 Escherichia coli R4HET6 NA NA JF795538 JF795538.1
TEM-186 Escherichia coli G9FYZ8 NA NA JN227084 JN227084.1
TEM-188 Salmonella choleraesuis G1FK69 NA NA JN211012 JN211012.1
TEM-189 Escherichia coli G1FTI5 NA NA JN254627 JN254627.1
TEM-190 Escherichia coli G1JY45 NA NA JN416112 JN416112.1
TEM-193 Acinetobacter baumanniii H9AXL9 NA NA JN935135 JN935135.1
TEM-194 Acinetobacter baumanniii H9AXM0 NA NA JN935136 JN935136.1
TEM-195 Acinetobacter baumanniii H9AXM1 NA NA JN935137 JN935137.1
Escherichia coli G5D8T5 NA NA JN588557 JN588557.1
TEM-196 Shigella sonnei H9BJT1 NA NA JQ034306 JQ034306.1
TEM-197 Klebsiella pneumoniae G0Z390 NA NA HQ877606 HQ877606.1
Shigella sonnei H9BJT2 NA NA JQ034307 JQ034307.1
TEM-198 Klebsiella pneumoniae H7CHH5 NA NA AB700703 AB700703.1
TEM-199 Proteus mirabilis I6ZQ49 NA NA JX050178 JX050178.1
TEM-201 Escherichia coli J9YNF9 NA NAJX310327 JX310327.1
TEM-205 Pseudomonas aeruginosa U5U781 NA NA KC900516 KC900516.1
TEM-206 Escherichia coli N0D6W6 NA NA KC783461 KC783461.1
TEM-207 Escherichia coli Q9EYX1 NA NA KC818234 KC818234.1
TEM-208 Escherichia coli R4NFA1 NA NA KC865667 KC865667.1
TEM-209 Klebsiella pneumoniae U3N8Z2 NA NA KF240808 KF240808.1
TEM-213 Pseudomonas aeruginosa V5LVW5 NA NA KF663615 KF663615.1
TEM-207 Klebsiella pneumoniae Q8KQ59 NA NA AY101764 AY101764.1
TEM-216 Escherichia coli W8E5Z0 NA NA KF944358 HG934763.1
TEM-217 Enterobacter cloacae X5JYP1 NA NA HG934763 HG934763.1
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  • Courvalin, P. 1997. Personal communication: TEM-17 was originally defined by oligotyping and when its amino acid sequences was determined, it turned out to be identical to TEM-15. However, an enzyme with the sequence defined as TEM-17 has subsequently been discovered. PubMed PMID:
  • Courvalin P. 1997. Personal communication: The gene for the original TEM-19 has been only partially sequenced but shows a G at 238 rather than the S proposed by oligotyping. The sequence of TEM-19 has been retained, however, since an ESBL with G238S has subsequently been discovered (Jacoby, G.A., P. Han, M. Alvarez, F. Tenover, Survey of extended-spectrum ß-lactamase (ESBL) production in US clinical isolates. Program Abstr. 35th Intersci. Conf. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. abstr. C40.) PubMed PMID:
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  • Arlet, G., M. Rouveau, G. Fournier, P.H. Lagrange, and A. Philippon. 1993. Novel, plasmid-encoded, TEM-derived extended-spectrum ß-lactamase in Klebsiella pneumoniae conferring higher resistance to azreonam than to extended-spectrum cephalosporins. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 37:2020-2023.PubMed PMID: 8239625
  • Arlet, G., S. Goussard, P. Courvalin, and A. Philippon. 1999. Sequences of the genes for the TEM-20, TEM-21, TEM-22, and TEM-29 extended-spectrum ß-lactamases. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 43:969-971.PubMed PMID: 10103213
  • Poupart, M.-C., C. Chanal, D. Sirot, R. Labia, and J. Sirot. 1991. Identification of CTX-2, a novel cefotaximase from a Salmonella mbandaka isolate. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 35:1498-1500.PubMed PMID: 1929316
  • Naumovski, L., J.P. Quinn, D. Miyashiro, M. Patel, K. Bush, S.B. Singer, D. Graves, T. Palzkill, and A.M. Arvin. 1992. Outbreak of ceftazidime resistance due to a novel extended-spectrum ß-lactamase in isolates from cancer patients. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 36:1991-1996.PubMed PMID: 1416892
  • Morosini, M.I., R. Canton, J. Martinez-Beltran, J.C. Negri, J.C. Perez-Diaz, F. Baquero, and J. Blazquez. 1995. New extended-spectrum TEM-type ß-lactamase from Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica isolated in a nosocomial outbreak. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 39:458-461.PubMed PMID: 7726515
  • Bradford, P.A., N.V. Jacobus, N. Bhachech, and K. Bush. 1996. TEM-28 from an Escherichia coli clinical isolate is a member of the His-164 family of TEM-1 extended-spectrum ß-lactamases. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 40:260-262.PubMed PMID: 1490918
  • Vedel, G., A. Belaaouaj, L. Gilly, R. Labia, A. Philippon, P. Névot, and G. Paul. 1992. Clinical isolates of Escherichia coli producing TRI ß-lactamases: novel TEM-enzymes conferring resistance to ß-lactamase inhibitors. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 30:449-462PubMed PMID: 1490918
  • Belaaouaj, A., C. Lapoumeroulie, M.M. Canica, G. Vedel, P. Névot, R. Krishnamoorthy, and G. Paul. 1994. Nucleotide sequences of the genes coding for the TEM-like ß-lactamases IRT-1 and IRT-2 (formerly called TRI-1 and TRI-2). FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 120:75-80.PubMed PMID: 8056297
  • Henquell, C., C. Chanal, D. Sirot, R. Labia, and J. Sirot. 1995. Molecular characterization of nine different types of mutants among 107 inhibitor-resistant TEM ß-lactamases from clinical isolates of Escherichia coli. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 39:427-430.PubMed PMID: 7726509
  • Zhou, X.Y., Bordon F., D. Sirot, M.-D. Kitzis, and L. Gutmann. 1994. Emergence of clinical isolates of Escherichia coli producing TEM-1 derivatives or an OXA-1 ß-lactamase conferring resistance to ß-lactamase inhibitors. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 38:1085-1089.PubMed PMID: 8067742
  • Stapleton, P., P.-J. Wu, A. King, K. Shannon, G. French, and I. Phillips. 1995. Incidence and mechanisms of resistance to the combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid in Escherichia coli. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 39:2478-2483.PubMed PMID: 8585729
  • Mugnier, P., P. Dubrous, I. Casin, G. Arlet, and E. Collatz. 1996. A TEM-derived extended-spectrum ß-lactamase in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 40: 2488-93.
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