SVM based 2-Tier prediction system for bacterial efflux conferring antibiotic resistance proteins and their subfamilies
Dr. Manish Kumar
Assistant Professor
Computational Biology Lab
Department of Biophysics
University of Delhi South Campus
New Delhi-110021 INDIA
Deeksha Pandey
Reserach Scholar
Computational Biology Lab
Department of Biophysics
University of Delhi South Campus
New Delhi-110021 INDIA
Bandana Kumari
Reserach Scholar
Computational Biology Lab
Department of Biophysics
University of Delhi South Campus
New Delhi-110021 INDIA
Developer this tool
Deeksha Pandey, Bandana Kumari and Manish Kumar developed this tool. This work is funded by Department of Science & Technology (DST-INSPIRE), New Delhi-India
Citing BacEffluxPred:Pandey D, Kumari B, Singhal N, Kumar M (2020) BacEffluxPred: A two-tier system to predict and categorize bacterial efflux mediated antibiotic resistance proteins. Scientific Reports 10:9287;