Dataset and Standalone Version of BacEffluxPred

Download BacEffluxPred (2-tiers) Dataset

The datasets used for the development and validation of BacEffluxPred are available to the users for predicting bacterial efflux conferring AR proteins.   Click here

Download standalone BacEffluxPred

For Bulk analysis or whole proteome analysis we recommend using standalone version of BacEffluxPred, which can be downloaded from following link.   Click here

Important Instructions To Follow:

1. To run the BacEffluxPred you need program SVM light. You can directly download the SVM light from

2. After downloading SVM light, please extract the tar file (svm_light.tar) and copy the svm_classify program into the installation folder/directory (where you have installed BacEffluxPred).

3. Download and install the Blast package to run PSI-BLAST from software into BacEffluxPred installation folder.

Availability and Requirement for standalone

Operating system(s) : Linux

Programming language : perl

Other requirements : gcc++ compiler

Any restrictions to use by non-academics : none

In the standalone folder of BacEffluxPred we have provided the readme file where we have given point-wise instructions, requirements and usages of the tool.

MOST IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION - To run the BacEffluxPred you need program SVM light and BLAST into the BacEffluxPred installation folder.

Download this tool

You can download BacEffluxPred datasets from above links. Users can also download and install the standalone BacEffluxPred tool on Linux, Windows and MAC systems.

Citing BacEffluxPred: Pandey D, Kumari B, Singhal N, Kumar M (2020) BacEffluxPred: A two-tier system to predict and categorize bacterial efflux mediated antibiotic resistance proteins. Scientific Reports 10:9287;